How to Work with Crystals

How do Crystals Work?

Crystals are an amazing gift from Mother Earth that can help us heal, grow and raise our vibration and the energy in our space. ⁠They’re able to store, transmute, absorb and move energy because they have a stable energy frequency due to their perfect geometric, crystalline structures. ⁠

As humans, our energy fields are unstable (scientifically speaking) and fluctuate based on our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, influences from our environments, people, objects, etc. Crystals have a stable energy field and are able to raise our vibration up to meet their higher vibration through the process of entrainment. ⁠

Entrainment describes the energetic interaction between two energy frequencies, one lower and one higher, where the frequencies synchronize to match the dominating, higher frequency. In this case, the lower frequency is us or our environment and the higher frequency is the crystal or crystals that you're working with.⁠

The stable structure of crystals also allows them to keep their cool and maintain their high vibe (higher energetic frequency) even when they're exposed to lower frequencies in their environment or through us. ⁠

How to Program and Use Crystals

Just like we have our own unique energy, each stone carries a unique energy signature and has inherent properties that give it unique abilities and energy that we can access and align to by working with them. ⁠

You can "program" your crystals to help you heal through the power of intention. Energy flows where intention goes. To set a powerful intention, you should EMBODY and FEEL the energy that you want your crystal to hold.

For example, if you want to feel calm and stress-free, imagine how that feels in your heart and throughout your body. Recall a memory when you felt completely relaxed and worry free. Bring that memory to the front of your mind and remember how that felt in your body. Allow that feeling to fully envelop you in this now moment. Now, holding your crystal in your hands and to your heart you can dedicate or ask your crystal to hold this energy for you so that it radiates throughout your home and wherever you go when you carry it with you.

Simply hold it in your hands & imagine sending that intention and transferring that energy into the crystal. Thank it and know that it’s already working and raising your vibration.

Starter Crystal Kit for Your Home

Crystals immediately raise the vibration of your space because they embody positive energy and feel good vibes.

That's why I absolutely love using them in design! Plus they're gorgeous & add a bit of sparkle & earth element to your home.

My go-to crystals for any home are amethyst and selenite for their ability to transmute negative energy and radiate positivity and rose quartz for it's loving energy.

Amethyst is the perfect accessory for your living room coffee table or bedroom nightstand. It's been called the "air purifier" of crystals because it absorbs negative energy and emits positive energy.

Selenite also absorbs negatvity and radiates positive energy. It works best in a sunny spot, so I like to place it in window sills and anywhere light and bright.

Rose quartz is perfect for adding that lovin' feeling and is a go-to crystal for bedrooms. It's also perfect for the "Love Corner" of your home in Feng Shui. Generally, this is the far right corner when you are facing the front door of your home.


Placing crystals throughout your home is an excellent way to create a High Vibe Home and raise the vibration of your space, which in turn, will elevate your vibe. Working with crystals my wearing or carrying them is also an excellent way to receive their natural healing abilities. Crystals are the perfect ally in cultivating good vibes in yourself and throughout your home and are easy for anyone to work with. All it takes is a your belief and positive intention!


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