Follow These Feng Shui Principles When Positioning Your Bed

The bed is the most crucial piece of furniture in your home, according to feng shui principles, since it reflects you.

Consider how many hours you spend in bed each day. You probably spend more time there than anywhere else. And while you're in bed, you're usually relaxing or sleeping. When you sleep, you are in a passive "yin" condition, making you more vulnerable to the energies surrounding you. As a result, the position of your bed has an impact on both your conscious and unconscious moods.

As a result, if you're going to start someplace with feng shui, make it your bed! If at all feasible, position the bed for optimal feng shui. If it's challenging, there are several workarounds. We strongly advise you to arrange it in the best possible way and only correct it if you have no other choice. Here are some feng shui ideas about where to put your bed.

1. Position of Command

In feng shui, the bed is placed according to the notion of commanding position. You want your bed to be placed such that you can see the door to your bedroom while lying in bed. However, you don't want to be precisely in front of the door. According to a decent rule of thumb, the bed should be placed diagonally from the door.

It's understood that in many circumstances, this is not achievable. There is still time! If you cannot command the bed, you can use a mirror to adjust it. Install a mirror so that you can see the door's reflection when you're in bed.

2. Placing the Bed in Relationship to Doors

Two main door areas affect feng shui. A central door is an entrance door to your home, and a bedroom door is one that you use for going into your bedroom.

The main door that enters your bedroom will give your bedroom an extra boost because wherever the main door is located, that is the dominant area of your home. While not as strong as the main door, a bedroom door still carries a bit of energy.

In addition, certain areas in the bedroom are considered to be quite powerful. They are the side of the bed that faces the door and the side of the bed that faces the window. If the bed isn't in the dominant area of your home and it can't be placed in the commanding position and faces the wrong wall, you can correct the bed by using another mirror. Place a mirror in the bedroom that faces the correct direction.

3. Mind Your Headboard

It's not uncommon for a bed to be pushed upright against a wall. This is okay if you can't have it in any other position, but you'll have to make a few adjustments first. The headboard, ideally, should not be pressed against the wall.

The bed should be pushed back enough to allow a cross breeze and invite a strong energy flow into your room. This can be accomplished by using a mirror as well. You can place a mirror against the headboard to reflect the wall behind the bed.

4. Keeping the Bed Away from the Toilet Wall

Avoid sharing your headboard with the toilet wall. This implies you should avoid putting your bed against a wall with the toilet on the opposite side. You don't want the toilet to be on the other side of the wall from your head.

If this isn't possible, install a mirror on the wall above and behind the bed to broaden your perspective of the room beyond. This will altogether remove the toilet issue.


Follow these feng shui tips, and you'll be on your way to excellent feng shui in your bedroom. Remember, whatever position you put your bed in, you can always correct it with a mirror. The mirror not only improves the feng shui but also gives your room a stylish update. Happy feng shui-ing!

If you're looking for a certified feng shui consultant to rejuvenate your space, I can help! I'm Christina, a Holistic 5D designer, feng shui practitioner, and crystal lover on a mission to bring more light into the world through design. Don't hesitate to connect with me today if you want to set your space for a beautiful transformation!


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