How to Take an Energetic Detox Bath

Why do I need to energetically detox?

Your aura is the energetic "body" that extends past your physical body by 2-5 feet. We experience subtle senses and pick up on feelings, emotions and good or bad "vibes" from people, places, and objects when we sense the energetic vibration in our auric field. We can even pick up other people's bad vibes or negativity from the environment and it can become trapped in our aura. So it's extremely important to practice regular self care and energetic detoxes, a.k.a. aura clearing.

Energetic Detox Bath Ritual

A very simple way to clear your energy field (energetically detox) is to take a bath with either epsom salt or pink himalayan salt added into the water.

Here's a simple bath time ritual created by my lovely friend Julia Moustafhim who is a gifted intuitive, energy healer facilitator, spiritual coach and certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapist.

Set the intention to clear away any density, negativity or lower vibrations from your aura and imagine that the salt you will add to the bath is infused with PURE LOVE. Fill your tub up with hot (not burning) water. Pour the salts that you have been infused with your intention of love into the tub. As your tub is filling, place your hands over the water and repeat this phrase,

“I am so grateful for my life and my body. I love myself unconditionally. I now allow myself to wash away any negativity, any residue of lack, pain, worry, etc. (you can add whatever you'd like here) from my body. Thank you for all of my lessons and blessings! Release, release, release! Thank you. And so it is.”

You can add flowers, essential oils (google to make sure it’s safe first), herbs, crystals (again, google to make sure they’re water-safe) or whatever else you are called to add. Lighting a candle charged with your intention is also a beautiful practice to add to this cleansing ritual.


Energetic hygiene and self care is just as important as our physical cleanliness and should be a regular part of everyone’s routine. Salt baths are a simple and nourishing self care practice that are a wonderful addition to your weekly routine. This will help you stay clean, clear and energetically aligned.


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