How to Practice Ho’oponopono

What is Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It’s about bringing balance to a person, place, or situation and making things right. It’s a wonderful spiritual tool for restoring order in your home and healing your relationships. It can also be used to clear an object or space in space clearing. It’s incredibly simple and can be done alone. All you need is bring your pure intention and love to the situation, person, place or thing.

How to Practice Ho’oponopono

Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes and focus on the relationship, situation, object or place that you would like to heal (your mother or father, for example). You can practice this in your mind, out loud or through journaling.

Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, breathing into your heart and imagining yourself surrounded by a beautiful golden light that fills your heart with compassion, gratitude and love - for yourself and all things in life.

Hold on to this beautiful feeling. Now, picture that situation or person standing in front of you now. As you repeat this mantra, imagine that you are sending the same beautiful, radiant golden light to them, pouring it freely from your heart and completely surrounding them in this cleansing golden light as you repeat the following mantra:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

Say each phrase over and over until you feel it your heart and truly mean it. This may be quick and easy to do with some people, places or situations or it may be very difficult for you to authentically feel and send love to a particular person. However, if you keep going and continue to journal, speak out loud, or say this phrase in your mind, you will eventually FEEL it and mean it.

What Does the Ho’oponopono Phrase Mean?

STEP 1 - I'm sorry.

We are responsible for everything in our lives because our thoughts and beliefs create our lives (our inner world is a reflection of our outer world). If we believe that we are unworthy or believe negative things about ourselves, that will be reflected back to us in our relationships. So we accept responsibility for our part in the relationship and for our lives. We may not know why someone has done something, but we can begin healing the relationship by taking responsibility and saying I'm sorry - even if and especially when it's hard to say to that person or even to ourselves.

Repeat this phrase until you feel it and mean it.

STEP 2 -Please forgive me.

Taking radical responsibility for your life is incredibly powerful and will create huge changes in your life. Say this phrase over and over no matter who it is to or how hurt you may feel. Accept your part in whatever happened and know that you are changing and healing the relationship by shifting your mindset and seeing the relationship or situation in a new way.

Say it from your heart until you truly feel it and mean it.

STEP 3 - Please forgive me.

No matter how difficult or painful a relationship or situation has been, there is a gift within everything we experience. It is the lesson that our soul wants to learn and integrate so that we can grow and heal.

What have you learned about yourself through this relationship? What positive things can you be grateful for with this person, situation, or place?

If we do not learn from our experiences, we do not grow and we are bound to repeat the same lesson over and over again in our lives until we learn it and grow from it. These are the patterns that we are here to break. So, what is this trying to show you? That you are worthy of more and that you should value yourself or put yourself first? Or maybe that you are so much stronger than you thought? Be grateful for this lesson.

What are you grateful for in this situation or what has this person done that you can be grateful for? Think about this and truly feel and express your gratitude.

Say THANK YOU over an d over again until you feel it and believe it.

STEP 4 - I love you.

Love is THE most powerful emotion and energy in the Universe. It can heal all wounds and settle any conflict.

Say "I love you" over and over no matter who you are saying it to or how difficult it may be to say to them. Say it to yourself, to your family, to the beautiful world around you, to the house that gives you shelter, etc.

Say it over and over from your heart until you truly feel it and mean it.

Conclusion, Closure, and Healing

You can practice ho’oponopono as many times as you would like and with as many people, places or situations that you would like. You can even practice this with yourself. For example, you can forgive yourself for a bad habit that you keep repeating; a health issue that you struggle with; or anything else that comes to mind. This is a powerful and simple practice that you can use to heal yourself throughout your life. I hope that it brings you radical healing, peace and love.


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